Round 6 is a short 3D animated film
created by Snowball Studios. Watch awesome animated short and tutorial
on character texturing using Mudbox, Photoshop and Mental Ray!
- Snap armor material tutorial
This video
shows the creation process for the material Snowball Studios used to
make Snap's armor plates. Snowball Studios cover here the material
itself, made in Mental Ray in 3Ds Max, and the texture creation and
manipulation done in Mudbox and Photoshop respectively.
R6 - Snap closeup turntable.
is the main character in Round 6. Done in 3D studio Max.
Shaded and rendered in MR. Textured and sculpted in Mudbox.
R6 - Preacher turntable
R6 - Snap turntable
R6 - Preacher sculpt
This is a
short presentation of the Preacher's sculpted mesh, done in Mudbox.
R6 - Ashmedator turntable
R6 - Unwrella demo
This video
demonstrates Unwrella, an automatic UV unwrapping tool for Max and Maya.
R6 - Shot 16 animation with video reference
video shows the animation for shot 16 together with the video reference
we shot for it.
R6 - Shot 16 progress
This video
shows the progress of one of the shots in R6, from storyboard to final
animation and render.