Abvent Artlantis 4.0 x86/x64
A recognized leader in preview window technology, Artlantis is the rendering software used by architects, designers and urban design professionals in more than 80 countries
Artlantis Studio, on the other hand, is the ideal tool for anyone who wants very high resolution rendering not only for images, but for QuickTime VR Panoramas, Objects and animations as well.
What’s new in v4.0
Quality Improvements Like in photography, the respect of color is essential in rendering. The new radiosity engine improves images for a better perception of colors, textures, and materials. Tone correction is a new post-process tool that allows you to lighten dark images and vice versa. A new Fresnel Shader has been added to the library. It is particularly suitable for metallic car bodies. Transparent surfaces are now better-managed in this new engine.
Performance Improvements In addition to these quality improvements, Artlantis 4 is faster than ever. The average is TWO times faster, and SEVEN times faster if the project uses many Neon Shaders. In order to better handle large projects, Artlantis is now optimized for 64-bits on Macintosh and Windows.
Productivity Improvements The new Horizontal projection function simplifies working with complex roofing. The Batch rendering work can be reorganized and filtered before launching. In 2D view, the duplicated objects are positioned with gravity on the project. A new Explode by Mesh function separates automatically the different meshes to simplify the material assignment. A multiple selection of objects can now be set at the same time.
iVisit 3D Panoramas (Artlantis Studio only) Create a true, virtual tour inside your project with multi-node panoramas. Everything needed for viewing panoramas on your Website is automatically created by Artlantis Studio 4. The player is free of charge and based on Flash™ technology and is compatible with Macintosh, Windows, Linux and even Androïd operating system. For iPhone and iPad users, a specific application allows you to view and share these panoramas. iVisit 3D App is available in two versions (Lite and Pro) from the App Store. iVisit 3D Lite is free, but is limited to one viewing per day. For more information, go to www.ivisit3d.com
Win 32Bit:
fileserve.comQuote http://www.fileserve.com/file/WKfa6m6/_Artlantis_studio_V4.0.13.3_x86.rar
filesonic.comQuote http://www.filesonic.com/file/2658722054/_Artlantis_studio_V4.0.13.3_x86.rar
filepost.comQuote https://filepost.com/files/32m47mab/_Artlantis_studio_V4.0.13.3_x86.rar/
filejungle.comQuote http://www.filejungle.com/f/BbENAE/_Artlantis_studio_V4.0.13.3_x86.rar
uploadstation.comQuote http://www.uploadstation.com/file/w58wV39/_Artlantis_studio_V4.0.13.3_x86.rar
Win 64Bit:
<img src="http://preview.filesonic.com/img/1337831.png" alt="" border="0"> fileserve.comQuote http://www.fileserve.com/file/T43ptX4/_Art4.X64.rar
<img src="http://preview.filesonic.com/img/1337351.png" alt="" border="0"> filesonic.comQuote http://www.filesonic.com/file/2657352874/_Art4.X64.rar
<img src="http://preview.filesonic.com/img/1337851.png" alt="" border="0"> wupload.comQuote http://www.wupload.com/file/518767776/_Art4.X64.rar
<img src="http://preview.filesonic.com/img/1337841.png" alt="" border="0"> uploadstation.comQuote http://www.uploadstation.com/file/Gaed36q/_Art4.X64.rar
<img src="http://preview.filesonic.com/img/ae/85/1b/3329311.png" alt="" border="0"> filepost.comQuote https://filepost.com/files/7ee88df1/_Art4.X64.rar/
<img src="http://preview.filesonic.com/img/e9/4e/b8/3742841.png" alt="" border="0"> filejungle.comQuote http://www.filejungle.com/f/zt4Q54/_Art4.X64.rar