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Home » Article » 3D Soft

Geomagic Studio V11

Geomagic Studio V11 PROPER | 103 MB
Designed to handle the most demanding reverse engineering, product design and rapid prototyping challenges, Geomagic Studio transforms 3D scan data and polygon meshes into accurate 3D digital models. A perfect complement to the CAD, CAE and CAM tools you already own, Studio outputs industry standard formats including STL, IGES, STEP and native CAD files.

Features and Specifications

Scan data processing
* Process large data sets
* Collect point data from all major 3D scanners and digitizers
* Optimize scan data (using remove outliers, reduce noise and other available tools
* Align and merge multiple scan data sets
* Automatically or manually register multiple point clouds

Point and polygon editing
* Reduce dense data sets with random, uniform and curvature-based point sampling
* Create polygon mesh from point cloud data
* Modify, edit and clean polygon model
* Automatically detect and correct errors in the polygon mesh
* Detect and create features in the model
* Repair and sharpen boundary edges
* Export model in several file formats including STL, OBJ, VRML1, VRML2, DXF, PLY and 3DS

Parametric modeling
* Automatically or manually classify surface types (planes, cylinders and others) of a model
* Automatically extend and trim surfaces to create perfectly sharp edges between neighboring surfaces
* Control surface fitting using available tools and parameters
* Seamlessly transfer parametric surfaces, solids, datums and curves to CAD to automatically construct native geometry
* Create a single, stitched surface that is a blend of planar, cylindrical, conical, extruded, revolved, and free-form surfaces
* Extract optimized profile curves
* Analyze surface fitting results using inspection, walk-through or visualization tools

Rapid surface modeling
* Automatically create watertight NURBS surfaces from polygon models
* Easily create new patch layouts manually by drawing curves
* Automatically define UV parameterization
* Adaptively fit surfaces (C0 and C1) based on tolerance
* Obtain guaranteed C1 continuity between surface patches
* Create templates for rapid surfacing of similar objects
* Ability to output sharp edges and planar surfaces
* Detect and repair patch errors with step-through dialogs
* Export model in several formats including IGES, STEP, VDA, NEU, SAT

Category: 3D Soft | Added: defaultNick (10.02.2010)
Views: 1163 | Tags: CAE, CAD, Geomagic, Studio, CAM, 3D | Rating: 0.0/0
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