RenderMan – a software package, the industry standard for rendering 3D-animation. In particular, there is a standard for describing three-dimensional data for subsequent visualization or as a stand-alone renderer, released recently by the same title. In most cases, the standard implementation of Renderman – is a program called from the command line and play a role in the process of rendering. The standard distinguishes between the concept of files describing the geometry of the scene and – RIB-file and file descriptions of materials – SL-files, or shaders. All these files are simple text format described in the specification. Files represent a shader applets on highly simplified dialect of C.
In this case, the connector to the Autodesk Maya, connected via a plug-in Plug-In Manager.
includes: RenderMan Pro Server 15.2 x86/x64Bit RenderMan Studio 2.0.2 for Maya 2009 x86-x64Bit RenderMan Studio 2.0.2 for Maya 2010 x86-x64Bit RenderMan Studio 3.0.2 for Maya 2010 x86-x64Bit RenderMan Studio 3.0.2 for Maya 2011 x86-x64Bit RenderMan Studio 3.0.2 for Maya 2012 x86-x64Bit