ArchiForma – расширение ArchiCAD, позволяющее создавать трехмерные GDL-объекты различной сложности, используя стандартные геометрические примитивы ArchiCAD и применяя к ним различные специальные операции – выдавливания, вращения, обрезки и т. п. Вторая версия ArchiForma была значительно улучшена по сравнению с предыдущей версией приложения. В число улучшений входят три новых типа создания 3D тела с помощью выдавливания — кроме прежнего — Vertical (Вертикальное) — добавлено Ruled (Линейное), Twister (Скрученное) и Bend (Гнутое) выдавливание. ArchiForma is an extension that uses API (Application Programming Interface) technology to add new functionality to ArchiCAD. The Plug-in was designed and developed to give ArchiCAD users complete freedom in creating special shapes without having to use GDL scripting. One of the main need of the ArchiCAD users designers is the possibility to create free shapes or custom objects. In order to fulfil these needs, Cigraph developed ArchiForma 1.0, the successful object modeler tool for ArchiCAD. Then Graphisoft released ArchiCAD 8.0 that provides the users with the Solid Element Operation issues (Boolean functions). With these tools (ArchiCAD 8.0 and ArchiForma 1.0) the user can create whatever he may need to but, as usual, Cigraph tried to improve its tool providing the users with more and better functions so here we are to introduce you ArchiForma 2.0. Work method Using ArchiForma is just like using any other simple ArchiCAD function. You won't even realise you're using a Plug-in. ArchiForma can be activated at any moment by selecting the command ArchiForma/Visualise ArchiForma Palette, which is added to the standard ArchiCAD menus during installation. All commands and functions on the ArchiForma Palette are immediately available and may be used both on the Floor Plan worksheet as well as in the ArchiCAD 3D Window. The ArchiForma Palette is divided into four main sections that contain logical groupings of the different types of commands and functions required for creating or modifying objects. These include simple 3D primitives, 3D forms generated from 2D outlines (groups of lines, arcs, lines and arcs, fills), editing functions (holes, cutting, rotating) and miscellaneous tools, which include instruments for editing elements, saving and general editing. The graphic interface allows quick and simple editing of even the most complex forms, such as extrusions, tubing or surfaces. With the hole, cutting plane and rotate commands, even the most minute details can be sculpted to get the desired shape. OS: WinAll Language: English