CrazyTalk Animator focuses on total animation production with actors, props, scenes, camera & a complete time-line for precision animation. The real difference with CrazyTalk Animator is you get full characters with a talking head and full-body motion. CrazyTalk Animator is a great match for ambitious beginners, educators, video editors and all users that need a total 2D Animation solution with deep character creation and performance animation tools. 1. Unpack 2. Install with ANY REG 3. Run without Internet or close this app. with firewall 4. Enjoy... Year / Date: 2010 Version: 1.01 Developer: Reallusion Bit depth: 32bit +64 bit Compatibility with Vista: complete Compatible with Windows 7: complete Language: English License: Freeware System requirements:Pentium4 2GHz 2GB free hard disk space Display Resolution: 1024 x 720 Color Depth: True Color (32-bit) Video Memory: 256MB RAM