TwistedBrush Pro Studio - программа для художников. Она имеет
большое количество самых разнообразных инструментов для рисования, от
красок до мелков и карандашей. Эта программа глубоко поражает буквально с
первого запуска. Интерфейсом Twisted-Brush мало похож на другие
редакторы, хотя и предоставляет все необходимые возможности: работа с
буфером обмена, зуминг и, конечно же, рисование. Причем рисующий
инструмент только один — кисточка, зато количество (более 3000 штук) и
качество пресетов для рисования а также многообразие форм и
регулируемость размеров и цветовой гаммы позволяют человеку, не особо
одаренному художественными талантами, буквально за пару минут изобразить
то, что — возможно, более аккуратно и качественно, конечно —
профессионал, работающий в другом редакторе, рисовал бы, наверное, не
один час.
Here is what's new in 17.00:
* Added - Brush Control feature added. Allows for brushes to have custom
* Added - Art Pro - Natural Media ArtSet added. Covers most
natural media brush with flexible brush control!
* Added - Art Pro -
Nu Media ArtSet added. Beginning stages of interesting brushes.
Added - Art Pro - Effects ArtSet added. Beginning stages of useful and
flexible effects.
* Added - Art Pro - Photo Edit ArtSet added. New
brushes for photo editing!
* Added - Art Pro - Plants and Trees
ArtSet added. Very early stages of this ArtSet with just one great brush
so far.
* Added - Art Pro - Utility ArtSet added. The location for
new utility oriented brushes.
* Added - Support for reading camera
RAW files added. Well over 100 camera models supported.
* Added -
Color Contrast filter added to the Brightness and Contrast category.
Added - Solutions Paint Style 01, Pastel Style 01 and Pastel Style 02
Added - New solutions added to the Image Enhancement category.
Bright Detail Style 1 - 4, Bright Hyper Light Style 1 - 3 and Bright
Light Details Style 1 - 4.
* Added - New solutions added to the
Special Effects category. Extreme Bright Detail 1 - 2.
* Added - A
new solutions category Noise Reduction added with 10 new noise reduction
* Added - Auto Levels Solution added to the Image
Enhancement category.
* Added - Mask High Low filter added to the
Mask Generation category of filters.
* Added - A new solution
category called Channels was added with solutions for splitting and
merging an image into channels components.
Added - New brush effects
Shift Dab Up, Shift Dab Down, Shift Dab Right, Shift Dab Left, Shift Dab
Angle and Rebase Dab Pos. These are used for the new Photo Repair
* Added - Brush effects pRnd Ang Init and pRnd Pos Init
* Added - D Blender brush added to Duarte's Brushes ArtSet.
Thank you for the contribution!
* Added - Conte Style 01 solution
added to Artistic category of solutions.
* Added - Colored Pencil
Style 01 solution added to Artistic category of solutions.
* Added -
Brush effect Repeat added.
* Added - pMove Smooth brush effect added.
Added - pRegress brush effect added.
* Added - Brush effects, Lay
Multiply, Lay Screen, Lay Darken, Lay Overlay, Lay Hard Light, Lay Soft
Light, Lay Dodge, Lay Burn, Lay Add, Lay Subtract, Lay Color and Lay
Hard Color added.
* Improved - Added a pixel isolation mode to the
Mask Detail filter.
* Improved - Added an Auto Levels option to the
Levels filter!
* Changed - Don't remove disabled effects from brushes
when using the Optimize ArtSet feature.
* Changed - Return to using
the higher quality, but slower Gaussian blur filter. The faster one has
some poor quality side effects.
* Changed - All Scatter and Jitter
brush effects now result in no action when the strength is zero.
Changed - All particle random position and angle effects no result in no
action when the strength is zero.
* Changed - All Bld Mix brush
effects result in no action when the strength is zero.
* Changed -
The default shortcuts have been completely updated to include mostly Pro
* Removed - The ArtSets Art Pro Watercolor, Art Pro Soft
Pastel and Art Pro Oil Pastel have been removed.
* Fixed - Using the
Fixed Size Edge and Rectangle options for the Vignette filter could
result in a crash on some image sizes.
* Fixed - Using the mask wand
tool off the top of the image would result in a crash.
* Fixed - When
selecting brush sizes larger than 600 pixels for brushes with a texture
a crash would occur.
* Fixed - The Lay Normal brush effect was not
working correctly.
* Fixed - The core brush attribute Prime Primary
Color was not working correctly for dynamically sized brushes.
Fixed - A number of brushes including Cartoon brushes were not working
properly on layers.
* Fixed - The dynamic status panel was not
updating when a system was not restarted for over 21 days.
Операционная система: Windows® 2000/XP/Vista/7
Год выхода:
Версия: 17.00
Язык интерфейса: English
Размер: 17,8 Мб