Render компании Next Limit Technologies
представляет собой самостоятельную систему визуализации (рендеринга)
трехмерных объектов, которая построена по принципу «без допущений». То
есть в ее основу положены физические свойства света и поверхностей. Так
как программа использует уравнения волновой теории света, это позволяет
визуализировать трехмерные сцены с беспрецедентным
VRayForSketchUp-1.48.91 Updated to V-Ray Core 1.90.03
SketchUp is one of the most widely used and easy to learn 3D Modeling software on the market today. With V-Ray for SketchUp, users now have one of the most powerful rendering tools available to visualize their models with the upmost quality and realism. V-Ray works within the SketchUp environment allowing users to be able to efficiently incorporate the task of rendering within their current workflows.
SketchUp is one of the most widely used and easy to learn 3D Modeling software on the market today. With V-Ray for SketchUp, users now have one of the most powerful rendering tools available to visualize their models with the upmost quality and realism. V-Ray works within the SketchUp environment allowing users to be able to efficiently incorporate the task of rendering within their current workflows. New features include the following: