Home » 2011»August»19 » Digital-Tutors : Creative Development: Mixed Modeling Techniques in 3ds Max 2012
Digital-Tutors : Creative Development: Mixed Modeling Techniques in 3ds Max 2012
Digital-Tutors : Creative Development: Mixed Modeling Techniques in 3ds Max 2012 10 hrs. 11 min.| Released on August 1, 2011|Project Files Included (32 MB) Required Software: 3ds Max 2012
In this collection of videos we learn several modeling techniques in 3ds Max 2012.
These videos will delve in such modeling techniques as spline modeling, polygonal modeling, and sub divisional surfaces. Through these techniques we are going to create a highly detailed steam locomotive model. We will also be exploring some of the graphite modeling tools and their functionality while modeling. All the while keeping an emphasis on the importance of scene management in a production environment.
76 videos in this course
1. Introduction and Project Overview 2. Basic scene set-up in 3ds Max, Layer Management 3. Modeling of main boiler model 4. Refining the boiler model 5. Modeling front boiler hatch 6. Naming and refining front boiler hatch 7. Modeling of rear boiler section 8. Further development of rear boiler model 9. Positioning and refining of rear boiler section 10. Modeling smoke stack and conforming mesh 11. Modeling top portal, conform brush introduction 12. Modeling second Boiler Portal 13. Modeling of locomotive bell components 14. Modeling headlight and brackets 15. Modeling headlight shade 16. Detach headlight lense, model front license plate 17. Headlight acess door modeling 18. Poly modeling of front and side lamps 19. Refine and develop lamp models 20. Modeling of lamp mounting brackets, creation of selection sets 21. Laying out splines for the locomotive chassis 22. Continued development of the chassis using spline booleans 23. Spline boolean subtraction, refinement of the chassis 24. Continued development of the chassis using spline booleans 25. Modeling of smaller chassis components 26. Modeling of the front bumper 27. Modeling chassis cross sections 28. Modeling of leaf spring assemblies 29. Modeling of all hardware 30. Poly modeling of pipe clamps 31. Modeling of rivets, layer management 32. Placing hardware along model's surface, aligning pivots 33. Creation and placement of steam lines 34. Placement of clamps along steamline 35. Modeling/confoming side hatch on boiler and side nameplate 36. Connecting multiple splines to create complex shapes 37. Modeling and placement of side steps 38. Modeling of side tank along boiler 39. Modeling support straps for tank model 40. Modeling of additional tank component and additional elements 41. Adding hardware to the boiler surface 42. Modeling of ladders 43. Modeling of main drivetrain component 44. Model additional elements for the main drive train component 45. Modeling of front platform and front bumper cover 46. Modeling of connecting tube between boiler and drivetrain placement of hardware 47. Modeling of the locomotive cabin walls 48. Modeling of floor and roof models for the cabin 49. Modeling of additional detail elements for the cabin 50. Poly modeling of the large locomotive wheels 51. Poly modeling of the smaller locomotive wheels 52. Poly modeling of the brake arm 53. Modeling of brake shoes 54. Modeling and placement of axels and pins 55. Modeling and placement of leaf spring connecting hardware 56. Modeling of drivetrain component 57. Modeling of drivetrain guide 58. Modeling of drivetrain linkage 59. Modeling large linkage element 60. Detailing of large linkage element 61. Modeling placement of front hatch hardware elements 62. Modeling and placement of front hatch hinges 63. Modeling of Hinge arms 64. Modeling of front steam pipe, placing of hardware 65. Modeling of boiler straps 66. Modeling of boiler support trusses 67. Cloning and placement of boiler support brackets 68. Modeling of main rear chassis component 69. Modeling of smaller rear chassis components 70. Modeling of chassis clamp 71. Modeling of the main cow catcher components 72. Adding additonal hardware to the cow catcher 73. Creating conforming steam lines with the topology/splines Graphite Modeling Tools 74. Modeling of pull string and supports 75. Modeling of small cabin components 76. Recap and additional comments