Home » 2011»December»28 » Digital - Tutors - Unity Mobile Game Development: Set Dressing
Digital - Tutors - Unity Mobile Game Development: Set Dressing
Digital - Tutors - Unity Mobile Game Development: Set Dressing 1 hrs. 19 min. | December 23, 2011 | Maya 2012, Mudbox 2012, Photoshop CS5 | Author: Justin Marshall
In this series of tutorials, we will talk about the process we went through to create props and dress the level of our Unity Mobile Game Development project. We will start the training by taking a look at our game development document as well as the artwork that we have. These will give us a better idea of the technical aspects of our models and their look. We'll talk about building the geometry and creating texture maps for pieces of our level like old oil drums, boards and lights. We'll also cover workflows between Maya and Mudbox for modeling, sculpting, and painting bits of organic debris to illustrate the enemy infestation. We'll finish up by talking about dressing the set temporarily in Maya as a guide for the final dressing in Unity. This course goes over the process for creating props and set dressing and the thoughts behind the decisions but it is not a step-by-step tutorial. If you'd like to get up to speed on modeling in Maya, I'd recommend Introduction to Modeling in Maya which goes over the tools we use here in greater detail. If you want a more step-by-step look at creating assets in Mudbox, we have a variety of training available, including Introduction to Mudbox 2012 which will get you started very quickly. So over the next hour and a half or so, we'll talk about creating the pieces necessary to dress our set and give it a realistic, aged and worn look.