Home » 2011»June»21 » Daarken.com Sci-fi Environment Design
Daarken.com Sci-fi Environment Design
Daarken.com Sci-fi Environment Design
Daarken, a freelance illustrator and concept artist, will take you through his process of painting a Sci-Fi environment. Starting with black and white thumbnails, Daarken will show you how to add color to a black and white image and give you a glimpse into his design process. Topics such as creating mood with color, composition, creating custom brushes, setting up your Wacom tablet, creating keyboard shortcuts, and refining an illustration will be coverd in this tutorial. Various layer modes and brushes will also be covered throughout the process. At a 149 minutes of real-time video you can see, in detail, his every step. Also included in this tutorial are Daarken’s Photoshop CS3 brushes so that you can follow along.
Length – 149 min. Format – QuickTime HD 1920×1200 (FULL HD)