In this installment of his Photoshop CS5 Extended One-on-One series, Deke McClelland shows how to draw six varieties of volumetric objects and manipulate them in 3D space. The course covers how to make 3D objects from 2D layers, work with predefined 3D shapes such as spheres and cubes, import 3D models drawn in other programs, and maximize the power of the Repoussé feature. Exercise files are included with the course.
Topics include: Spinning a 2D layer in 3D space Using basic 3D shapes Importing a 3D model as an OBJ file Exporting a 3D model to the DAE format Painting directly on a 3D layer Working with UV overlays Making a bump map Working with 3D depth maps The medical applications of Photoshop 3D Creating 3D motion effects Revolving objects in 3D space Adjusting the depth of field