This eBook series takes a simple 3D scene, with a limited number of objects and a low-to-intermediate amount of geometry, and shows you how custom textures can be created from a library of photos in Photoshop. All of the reference images are taken from 3DTotal’s Total Textures collection and form the foundation of the exercise. Rather than using actual geometry, this tutorial covers how you can combine and fuse numerous images into unique templates, which can then be used to describe a variety of materials, creating the illusion of detail and volume.
Chapter 1This chapter looks at building up the base layers and the importance of color correction. Moving onto the value of Layer Styles, the tutorial looks at the ways in which these can be used to provide the illusion of volume. Blending modes are also touched upon, and how these help to build up a number of semi-transparent layers with a rich textural depth and level of detail.
Chapter 2The second installment covers the value of bump and specular maps, and also shows how overlay maps can be used to help disguise problems associated with tiling textures.
Chapter 3The third and final chapter focuses on the business of aging the scene by applying dirt and grime. We look at the value of dirt maps and how these are used directly on textures, as well as acting as masks.