*3 lessons designed by a V-Ray Licensed Instructor® *1h 20mins narrated HD Videos *Photography composition rules *V-Ray Sun/sky and V-Ray Physical Camera *Modify sky colors and correct distortions *Use V-Ray Real Time *Light balance analisys *Light Balance application *White balance for sunset *What is the Color Mapping and what is it useful for *How works Exponential and Reinhard Color mapping *V-Ray Real Time features *Draw region and Real Zoom *Manage Fresnel IOR for glass *How to use Fall off for fabrics and car paint *Create reflection maps *How to use Reflections render element *How to use VRayLightSelect render element *How to use VRayExtraTex for Ambient Occlusion *Affect channel option *Final settings for a clean render *Composite all layers in photoshop *Create Daily lighting *Create Golden lighting *1h 20mins narrated hd videos *Max Scenes to download