Home » 2013»July»22 » CGWorkshops - Rapid Character Development for Online Games
CGWorkshops - Rapid Character Development for Online Games
CGWorkshops - Rapid Character Development for Online Games
Online games like Diablo, DOTA, Torchlight, League of Legends, and many casual titles can have different character art needs than a first person shooter or third person action-adventure game. Compared to over-the-shoulder or full body cameras of PS3 or XBox titles, a wider camera in many online games promotes smaller characters on screen and more of them at the same time. It is therefore the character artist's job to help ensure that players still enjoy interacting with a smaller, less detailed character competing heavily for screen space. Because many characters may be needed for online games like these, developing and testing characters quickly becomes crucial.
In this 3 week workshop, John illustrates various industry techniques and tips to quickly create fun 3D characters for online games that will "pop" on screen. Using programs such as Zbrush, Maya, and Photoshop, we will create a low-res character mesh to preview in the artist-friendly Unity game engine, used for many online and browser-based games.
Student Requirements:
Minimum Skills The ability to visualize forms and a passion for creating characters!! Basic to intermediate anatomy and painting knowledge is recommended and at least a beginner skillset in Zbrush, Maya, and Photoshop (or similar programs) would be helpful as well.
Minimum Software/Hardware Zbrush 4R2, 4R3, or 4R4 Maya 2010 Photoshop CS2 3D Coat 3.5 XNormal Unity Wacom Tablet or comparable pen tablet
Home Page: _http://workshops.cgsociety.org/courseinfo.php?id=412