In this video, we will be learning how to create stereoscopic content. To begin we will be going through a deep background of terminology and important rules you need to know in order to achieve pleasing stereo. Then jumping inside of C4D we will familiarize ourselves with the stereoscopic settings available to us and learn how to take advantage of them. We will explore how DOF affects a stereoscopic shot and how to use DOF and convergence together as focusing tools. Using a massive domino animation we will setup the stereoscopic settings for 9 cameras and learn about stereo in the context of movement. Finally, we will learn how to push beyond the limitations of stereo by using multiple camera rigs for individual objects in an animation. After rendering, we will composite the separate depth passes to make a scene that creatively uses the 3rd dimension, unique to stereoscopic films.
NOTICE TO VIEWERS: This video is for everyone interested in Stereoscopic workflows in general. It should be considered THE GUIDE for those of you trying to understand it to the very core. This video should be watched by EVERYONE in the CG or VFX side of our industry. (Programmers would only watch this for fun)